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What is Medication Therapy Management?

It's always a good idea to check that you're taking the right medication or supplements each year. You can take your health care routine a step further with our Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program, where specially trained Aspirus Health Plan pharmacists or pharmacists in your network will review all of your medications to ensure they are safe, effective, affordable and easy to use — at no additional cost to you.

If you are automatically enrolled in our MTM services, you will receive a letter from Aspirus Health Plan with next steps in addition to phone calls or text messages with more information.

How to get started

Choose how you'd like to get started:

  • Call to schedule an appointment with an Aspirus Health Plan pharmacist or opt out of MTM services at 715.631.7444 (TTY 1.855.931.4852) or toll-free at 1.855.931.5266. We’re here to help from 8 am – 4 pm, Monday – Friday.
  • Call your health care provider to help schedule an appointment with a pharmacist in your network
  • Connect with a pharmacy team member by filling out a short contact form to learn more about the program, set up an appointment or opt out of MTM services

Sign up or opt out

Why is MTM important?

A pharmacist can add value to your health care regimen by providing you and your doctor with a full picture of all the medications you take, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicine or herbal supplements. This annual 20 – 60-minute appointment, also called a comprehensive medication review (CMR), ensures there are no drug interactions, verifies medications are being taken as intended and improves convenience and affordability to achieve your health goals. Taking 20 minutes for a CMR can help you avoid medication issues that might require hospitalization.

MTM is especially recommended if you have multiple chronic health conditions, take several medications, face high prescription costs or have many doctors. Your pharmacist will review everything to help you feel confident you are using all your medications safely and effectively. We want you to take full advantage of our MTM program to stay healthy and get the most out of your health plan.

What can I expect from my MTM appointment?

Pharmacists are medication experts and will answer many types of questions during your medication review, including:

  • Why am I taking these medicines?
  • What time of day should I take my medicines?
  • Are there any drug interactions that I should know about?
  • Are my medicines working?
  • Is the medication I’ve been taking for years still safe for me?
  • Am I experiencing side effects?
  • My prescriptions are expensive. Are there ways I can save money?
  • Are there other medications I should consider that would be more effective?

Pharmacists usually give about five suggestions during your appointment, occasionally recommending other medications that could be safer, work better or cost less. They may also provide you with a personalized medication list, medication action plan and cover letter after the visit to help enhance your medication plan. With your permission, our pharmacists can reach out to your doctor directly or give you more information for your next doctor's visit to address any medication-related concerns and update your prescriptions as needed.

Am I eligible for MTM services?

Aspirus Health Plan members with a Medicare Advantage plan are eligible for MTM services either through Aspirus Health Plan or a participating pharmacist through your network. Please call 715.631.7444 if you have additional questions about eligibility.


You may be automatically enrolled

Aspirus Health Plan Medicare Advantage plan members with prescription drug coverage are automatically enrolled to receive a comprehensive medication review and targeted (quarterly) medication reviews if:

  • You take eight or more prescribed or maintenance medications for chronic condition(s)
  • You have three or more of the following conditions:
    • Alzheimer's disease
    • Bone disease: osteoarthritis (OA), osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis
    • Chronic heart failure (CHF)
    • Diabetes
    • Dyslipidemia (high cholesterol)
    • End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
    • HIV/AIDS
    • Hypertension (HTN)
    • Mental health: bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia and other chronic disabling mental health conditions
    • Respiratory disease: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other chronic lung disorders
  • You plan to spend at least $1,623 on your Part D medications, or
  • You are considered at risk for misuse of certain frequently abused prescription drugs determined by us or your previous plan

If you are automatically enrolled for a medication review, you will get a letter from Aspirus Health Plan with next steps. You may also receive phone calls or text messages with more information about MTM services. Participation is voluntary and you can opt out of the MTM program or any individual MTM service at any time by calling 715.631.7444.

Additional resources

Blank Aspirus Health Plan personal medication list (PDF)
Aspirus Health Plan drug list
Aspirus Health Plan pharmacy

While not part of a prescription drug benefit, MTM is a Medicare-designed program sponsored by Aspirus Health Plan.