Agent Frequently Asked Questions
Agent Portal
Although technology developers do their best to ensure products work on all major browsers, sometimes they perform better on some than on others. If you are having problems with the tool using one browser, please try another one. We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox.
Go to Use the sign-on information that you have (or will) receive from Aspirus Health Plan Administrator (
- Create and manage client records
- Create and manage clients quotes and applications
- Create quotes to review with clients
- Create, save and submit applications and track their status
- Address applications and quotes that may require attention
- View your book of business
- View commission payment details and download reports
- Download plan and member documents
- Access links and resources such as the Provider Search tool, Prescription Drug Calculator, and materials order site
New agents receive an email from Aspirus Health Plan Administrator with registration information. If you can’t find the email, look in your email spam folder. If you still can’t find the information, send an email to
If you forgot your password, click on “Need help signing in?” on the Agent Portal webpage.
Application process and questions
An application can be started from multiple places within the portal:
- Use the Action button on your Workbench and select “New Application”
- Start a new application from a Client profile,
- Complete an application from Quotes, or select “New Application” in Applications
It is strongly recommended but not required. The online enrollment tool will display all primary care clinics available. Consider using different “filtering” options to help select the best clinic for the applicant. For example, you could filter by Family Medicine or by distance from home (e.g., within 20 miles). If a PCC is not chosen, one will be chosen for the applicant by Aspirus Health Plan, upon enrollment .
The Medicare unique identifier is an 11-digit combination of both letters and numbers. If the applicant does not have their Medicare unique identifier, this field can be left blank but only after making a strong attempt to get it. This number is NOT their Social Security number. If obtained, enter the Medicare number on the application, with no hyphens.
What is the “agent number” I should use for Aspirus Health Plan business?
Please use your National Producer Number (NPN). Aspirus Health Plan uses your NPN to track all agent activity.
Please use your National Producer Number (NPN). Aspirus Health Plan uses your NPN to track all agent activity.
Yes. Click “Save and Exit” at any step in the enrollment application process. Then, you can come back and continue where you left off. You can get to it either from the Applications section on the dashboard or from the applicant’s Client Details from the Clients section of the dashboard. Click on the Application ID. You’ll know that an application has not yet been submitted because the status will show as “Not Yet Submitted."
IMPORTANT: the enrollment application must be date and time “stamped” upon receipt by (not postmarked by) the end of the month prior to when the individual would like coverage to start. Exception: during the Annual Election Period the application must be received by 12/7 for a 1/1 effective date.
Applications are date and time “stamped” per:
- Portal — submission
- Mail — physical receipt at the processing center
- Fax — the fax confirmation
- DocuSign — the applicant’s “Finish” step
Applications cannot be accepted via email. Emailed applications do not meet technical requirements for ensuring applicant privacy.
Upon submission of an application via DocuSign on the website, a Reference Number is provided. This number does not mean anything and should not be referenced when calling. However, if you wait for the system to “process,” you will receive an 8-digit Confirmation Number. This number can be used when contacting Aspirus Health Plan with application questions.
You can view the status in the Applications section of the dashboard. After submitting the application, the status will change based on where it is in the review process. See the "What does the application status tell me?" question for a full list of the statuses and their definitions.
Status | Definition |
Not Yet Submitted | The application was started but has not been submitted. |
Submitted | The application was submitted. This status will display for up to two hours, then change to “In Progress.” |
In Progress | The application has been submitted and is being processed. |
Pending Medicare Approval | The application has been sent to Medicare for review. |
On Hold – Applicant Outreach | The application is being processed but it is incomplete and requires additional information. We will reach out to the applicant for additional details |
Rejected | The application was rejected because one or more required documents were not received, or CMS rejected the application due to other reasons. |
Canceled | The application was canceled by request. |
Denied | The application was denied due to non-receipt of required information. |
Enrolled | The application has been approved by CMS. |
The status of the application will show “On Hold – Applicant Outreach.”
If an application is incomplete, and the information can be obtained more quickly with the applicant (e.g. banking information), the applicant will be contacted first. And then, if unable to reach the applicant, the agent will be contacted.
If the information can be obtained more quickly by calling the agent, and then the agent is contacted first.
In all cases, Aspirus Health Plan will attempt to obtain the information via phone contact, in the most expeditious manner, dependent on the information needed.
If an application is denied, a letter will be mailed to the applicant. A copy is not sent to the agent as we do not have agent addresses on the applicant’s file; agents should be in contact with their clients.
Yes, if your NPN was indicated on the application. You cannot see the actual application, but you will be able to see name, status, effective date (once enrolled) and type of application.
- Your NPN was not included on the application.
- The application was mailed or faxed and your NPN was not clearly indicated (may not have scanned properly).
If you are not correctly listed as the agent of record on one of your client policies, please email
You, or the applicant, can contact the Enrollment Center at 715.631.7410 (you MUST be listed on the application in order for the Enrollment Center to provide you with information).
IMPORTANT: All callers need to “authenticate” before any information about a particular individual can be shared – regardless of whether the caller is an agent, applicant or member. This requires three elements of Protected Health Information (PHI). Once you authenticate, you must also tell us your name and NPN and it must match what is on file for the applicant. If another agency representative is calling, they need to have this information or information will not be shared with them.
You or the applicant can contact the Enrollment Center at 715.631.7410 for specific instructions based on the situation.
Submit the Short Enrollment Form or contact Customer Services at 715.631.7411 or toll-free at 1.855.931.4850.
The member must request this change in writing, and fax to 715.787.7329, or mail to:
Attn: Medicare Enrollment
Aspirus Health Plan
P.O. Box 51
Minneapolis, MN 55440-9972
Viewing your book of business
- It is prior to the member's effective date of coverage.
- You are not listed as the Agent of Record.
If you believe that you should be the Agent of Record, please send an email to Aspirus Health Plan will look into the situation and advise you on how to proceed.
Viewing your commissions
Commissions are paid monthly on all renewals and any new business approved by the 13th of the month. If you are paid through your agency, be sure you are in communication with the appropriate party within your agency about the timing of checks being mailed or deposited. They will need time to reconcile the payment prior to disbursing your commission payment.
IMPORTANT: Agents cannot be paid commission for new business OR renewals, if they have not recertified. You must retain an active license to receive commissions. Delays in recertification could result in delays in commissions payments.
- The application was approved too close to the commission cutoff, or not in time for the commission payment processing time for the month.
- The application was approved too close to the effective date, or not in time for the commission payment processing time for the month.
In the above cases, the commission will be paid the following month.
No. Each agent has unique Agent Portal sign-in credentials and will not see other agents’ commissions.
You can view digital copies of your commission statement in Excel or PDF format in your Agent Portal account under the commissions section.
Other Agent Portal capabilities
You are able to export lists of policies, applications or clients.
After pressing “Show All” from the dashboard, click the arrow on the upper right of the screen.
From the Agent Portal, download the templates and use Adobe Acrobat to populate your information.
You can share saved quotes via PDF or through the live share functionality with your client. When you share a PDF, your client will receive an email that contains a PDF of the details. When you choose live share, your client will receive an email with a link where they can follow the steps to create and enrollment account and see the full details of the shared quote in their enrollment portal.
Applications can be shared with the live share functionality. Like with the quote, you client will receive an email with a link where they can follow the steps to create and enrollment account and see the full details of the shared application in their enrollment portal.
For more information on the live sharing functionality for quotes and applications you can review our Live Share User Guide.
Ordering materials
Get sales kits, referral cards, inserts and other marketing materials.
Dental applications
As long as the application status is “Pending” or “Enrolled” and within 30 days from the effective date of coverage the dental plan can be added. Within the portal, go back into the application and click “Add Dental.”
If not within 30 days from the effective date, the member will need to wait until the next Annual Election Period to add the dental option to their coverage using the Aspirus Choice Dental Enrollment Application.
Complete the Aspirus Choice Dental Enrollment Application.
Members can send a written request to disenroll from the dental portion of their plan. The member should clarify that the request is for the dental portion of the policy, and include:
- Name
- ID number
- Requested effective date of the change
- Signature
- Date signed
Requests can be sent 1) via the Member Portal, 2) faxed to 715.787.7329 or 3) mailed to:
Attn: Medicare Enrollment
Aspirus Health Plan
PO Box 51
Minneapolis, MN 55440-9972
Disenrollment requests are typically processed for the first of the month after the one in which they are received.
Other questions
Yes. To have your client enrolled by phone:
- Call the Sales line at 715.631.7437 (or toll-free 1.855.931.4855).
- Tell the Sales Representative that you are an Aspirus Health Plan agent with a client on the line who would like to complete a phone enrollment.
- Provide the applicant’s name, address, and phone number.
- Provide your full name and NPN.
Then you will need to exit the call as Medicare regulation does not allow you to stay on the line while your client completes a phone enrollment.
After you exit the call, the Sales Representative will ask your client if they have any questions prior to starting the phone enrollment, answer their questions and prep them for the phone enrollment. Medicare requires plans to ensure enrollees understand the plan they are enrolling in prior to starting a phone enrollment.
Once the enrollment has started, if the applicant asks questions about benefits, premiums or other plan options, the Sales Representative is required to stop the enrollment and will refer the applicant back to you as their agent.
As part of the phone enrollment, the applicant will be asked if they are working with an agent and will document your full name and NPN to ensure you get full credit for the sale (so be sure to also provide your full name and NPN to your client).
Your client can also call the Sales line directly, and will follow the same process as above.
The eyewear allowance is an annual amount regardless of when they enroll.
The OTC amount is available on January 1 and July 1 (does not roll over). The member will receive the full amount for the period(s) in which they are enrolled.
You can search for the name of a specific health care provider such as a doctor, dentist, or specialist on our Provider Search Tool at
For any service types that cannot be found either on the Provider Search Tool or Provider and Pharmacy Directory, please contact Customer Service at 715.631.7411 or email us at
Benefit information, including the Summary of Benefit and Evidence of Coverage, is found in the Member Resources section on this website. Members can also log into their Member Portal to find information specific to the plan they are enrolled in. They can also pay their monthly premium, view their claims and expenses and more!
We’re happy to help and appreciate your business with Aspirus Health Plan!
Aspirus Health Plan TTY: 715.631.7413 or toll-free 1.855.931.4852
IMPORTANT: All callers need to “authenticate” before any information about a particular individual can be shared – regardless of whether the caller is an agent, client, or member. This requires three elements of Protected Health Information (PHI). Once an agent “authenticates,” they must also tell us their name and NPN and it must match what is on file for that individual. If another agency representative is calling, they need to have this information or information will not be shared with them.
This resource should be contacted for agent-related questions, such as claims, password resets, and resource questions such as claims, portal password resets, resource questions, etc.
This should NOT be used for application status.
1.833.951.3196 or 715.787.7404 or
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
Commission Questions:
Customer Service:
This resource should be contacted for anything related to a member (already has an ID!).
715.631.7411 or 1.855.931.4850 (Toll Free)
Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., CST, seven days a week
Attn: Customer Services
Aspirus Health Plan
P.O. Box 51
Minneapolis, MN 55440-9972
Enrollment Center:
Call for status updates for a submitted application up until the time the applicant receives a Member ID.
Fax: 715.787.7328
To note: This line is not staffed “live”. Callers need to leave a message and will receive a call-back within one business day.
715.631.7437 or 1.855.931.4855 (Toll Free)
Fax: 715.787.7328
Hours: 8 am to 5 pm, daily (Oct. 1 – Mar. 31)
8 am to 8 pm, Monday – Friday (Apr. 1 – Sept. 30)
Attn: Medicare Sales
Aspirus Health Plan
P.O. Box 51
Minneapolis, MN 55440-9972
To Report a Compliance Issue or Fraud, Waste or Abuse:
1.800.450.2339 (Toll-free)
can also access approved tools and templates.